
  • 16th February 2024

Michael The Lion, Part III: the main loop

The game loop is the core of any game related engine or framework, or any game written from scratch, for that matter. But even if you rely on someone else's engine or framework, a basic knowledge of how most game loops work can prove very useful. I've put a lot of thought into deciding how to implement the game loop for Michael The Lion and my game framework to be. Here I try to explain what I came up with. …

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  • 28th December 2023

Michael The Lion, Part II: the content processor

As I stated in my previous post, one of the cornerstones of this project is to minimize the game runtime dependencies, ideally to just SDL. A lot of dependencies can become necessary for parsing and processing when importing different asset types and formats. So I took inspiration from the XNA/MonoGame content pipeline and started building a simple content processor so that every parsing of big text-like assets and data processing is confined to it and the runtime only has custom loaders to quickly load binary asset data. …

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  • 6th December 2023

Michael The Lion, Part I: the premises

A while ago, I decided to make a small 2D top-down exploration game to teach my (then) 4 years old kid how to use a game pad. Since then, I've gone through a lot of considerations and reconsiderations and here I'll try to explain my very personal conclusions and the setup I finally chose (Ubuntu linux + c + SDL2) to complete this project. …

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  • 8th November 2023

New website, new start (again)

I was planning to start posting more regularly on my blog about the progresses of my recent game dev efforts, when my ADHD and my obsessive personality decided to kick in simultaneously and suddenly I couldn't stand the fact that mostly static content like a portfolio page, a bio and a blog were dynamically generated anytime they were loaded with a bloated content management system. I want my site as a collection of html files, some css, very little javascript and some images, of course, but I obviously don't want to write all this by hand. So enter the static site generators rabbit hole. …

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